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Famous people from Bialystok and the surrounding area

Rabbi Shmuel Mohliber

Rabbi Shmuel Mohiliver  (April 25, 1824 - June 10, 1898) was a rabbi and a public leader, one of the founders of the movement Hovevei Zion and a pioneer of Religious Zionism Religious Zionism. Mohilever became the Rabbi of Bialystok in 1883. He dedicated himself to promote Zionism by convincing Bialystok’s Jews to move to Petach Tikva, a very struggling settlement in those days.

הרב שמואל מוהליבר
ד״ר לודויג זמנהוף

Dr. Ludwig Zamenhof

Eliezer Ludwig Zemanhof (Polish: Ludwik Łazarz Zamenhof, Yiddish: Leizer Levi Zamenhof, Esperanto: Ludovico Lazaro Zamenhofo "Ludovico Lazaro Zamenhofo"; December 15 1859 – April 14 1917) was a  Jewish-Polish doctor, creator of the language of Esperanto, The purpose of Esperanto is to bring hearts together between people who speak different languages, using a neutral language. Esperanto became   the most talked planned language  in the world.

Yosef Hazanovich

Yosef Hazanowitz  

(22  in October 1844 HordanaBelarus – 

December 21 1919 YekaterinoslavUkraine)

was doctor Jewish-Zionist and bibliophile, one of the founders of "Midrash Abarbanal" (now The National Library  of Israel).

יוסף חזנוביץ

Shlomo Kaplansky

Shlomo Kaplansky (Kaplansky; March 5 1884 – December 7 1950 ) was one of the leaders of the party "Zion workers" and manager of the Technion Haifa.

שלמה קפלנסקי

Nahum Tzemach

Nahum David Tzemach (Russian: Наум Лазаревич (Нахум Давид) 1887 – September 1939) was a Hebrew teacher, player and theater director Jewish-Russian, from the founders The first Hebrew theater "Habima" in 1917 and one of the first actors of the Habima Theater Moscow.

Nahum Zemach
שמואל פיזר

Shmuel Pisar

In Greek mythology there is a miraculous bird called the phoenix. Because of this bird's place of residence, in the desert, it is called in the Talmud "phoenix". It is a symbol of hope and the ability to endure, it is the symbol of all those who persist, despite the difficulties, who refuse to give up. "As the Phoenix" is also the name of the book by the world-famous lawyer - Shmuel Pizar, in which he tells the amazing stories of his life that began as a child in the concentration camps of the Holocaust.


An energetic and active public businessman who worked a lot for the benefit of the country from his seat in New York. One of the founders of the foundation for the establishment of the Bialystok Foundation. Contributor and Permissive. With his donation, two kindergartens were founded on the street named after him.  

משה חסיד

Moshe Hasid

The grandfather of David Lubin who wanted to pay respect to the learned and righteous grandfather, whose memory he kept and nurtured.

Named after Moshe Hassid, David Lubin's grandfather, who wished to honor his scholar and righteous grandfather, whose memory he preserved and nurtured. David Lubin was a man of considerable achievements from Bialystok; one of the founders of the trust fund for the establishment of Kiriat Bialystok in the 1950's. He diligently worked for the advancing of the Kiria as a contributor and as a fund-raiser. The monument in the square against the synagogue was built with his donation funds.

David Lubin, a businessman from Bialystok who has worked extensively in New York, one of the founders of the foundation for the establishment of Kiryat Bialystok in the early 1950s, worked a lot for the advancement of Kiryat as an organizer, donor and facilitator. The monument in the square in front of the synagogue was erected with the funds of his donation.

Yitzhak Shamir

Yitzhak Shamir (Yzernitsky);‏ (October 22 1915  – June 30 2012 ) was Israel's prime minister in the seventh government, a minister in several governments, a chairman of the Knessetthe head of the opposition, senior in the "Mosad" and  commander in "Lechi" organisation.

יצחק שמיר

Mordechai Tanenbaum

"Tamroff" or Tanenbaum ,(1916 – August 1943) was one of the founders of the Fighting Jewish Organization. Commanded the organization in Bialystok ghetto. In August 16 1943 commanded the uprising in the ghetto against the Germans. After the suppression of the rebellion committed suicide, in order not to fall alive into the hands of the Nazis. Was linguist  in his training.

מרדכי טננבאום

Yitzchak Melamed

Yitzhak Melamed (1943-1903) is a symbol of individual heroism in the Bialystok ghetto. In February 1943 when it started Action In the ghetto   he poured acid on a Nazi officer. Out of panic, the officer fired in all directions and accidentally killed a German soldier. During the riot Melamed managed to escape. In retaliation, the Germans arrested over 100 Jews, men, women and children  and shot them in the street. Finally  when the captor himself replied  to the question why he killed the German soldier: "I hate. I am sorry that I only murdered one. Before my eyes my parents were murdered. Ten thousand Jews in Salons  were eliminated before me. I have no regrets." And the next day he was hanged near the square where the incident happened.

יצחק מלמד

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